We’re used to seeing The Slow Mo Guys impress us with some pretty amazing things. They make even the mundane look amazing, and show us things in completely new ways. This, though, has to be one of their most beautiful videos ever. Back in 2014, they exploded a car airbag at 2500fps and it looked very cool. Recently, though, they decided to up the ante with 25 of the things. Not only that, they turned each one into an incredible powder paint cannon. With each going off in sequence, it produces the most spectacular rainbow cloud flying through the air.

It’s always fun watching Gav and Dan seemingly fumble around trying to get things ready and working for the camera. To prepare each airbag, it was attached to wires, and then a hollow cylinder of tinfoil was placed around it to help project the “blast”. Inside each tinfoil cylinder, they placed a quantity of powdered paint.

When the circuits completed and a charge sent to each airbag, hey exploded in a stunning array of colour.

Would be neat to do something like this with photography to capture powder explosions in mid air. I think slightly smaller scale, though. Do you use paint powder or similar substances in your photography?