From time to time, camera manufacturers issue special edition models of their gear. But this Nikon D500 “Rex Edition” is the most unique so far. A German Shepherd named Rex munched on this camera, which was bought only a day before. As a result, there’s one pretty unusual model of Nikon, to say the least. And what’s even more unusual – the camera is still working.

The video comes from a Belgian camera store PCH, demonstrating a camera treated by the dog’s sharp teeth. Although he destroyed the outside plastic of the body and the lens hood – he didn’t damage the magnesium alloy frame. Thanks to this, the camera is still working, as you can see in the video. I’ve often heard about Nikon bodies that they’re very durable, and this is definitely a clear proof of it.

This video made me laugh, although it was probably really stressful for the camera owner. But hey, at least the camera is still operative. And of course, I hope the dog is all right. It’s easy for me to laugh, though: I have a poodle. Those of you with larger dogs, you may want to put your gear on some of the top shelves now. Unless you want a camera of a really unique look (and smell). :) [Nikon D500 “Rex Edition” ! via Nikon Rumors]