ACD Systems has announced ACDSee Photo Studio for Mac 9. The newest version of the all-in-one photo editor for Mac comes with some major UI enhancements as well as facial detection and recognition for naming and organising your photos. A new Develop pane helps you to “easily take control of your Develop mode workflow” and lets you store snapshots of complex image operations. Billing itself as “the go-to Mac product for all your photography needs”, Photo Studio for Mac 9 comes with a new Info Palette that helps you to keep an eye on the metadata of your photos. It also includes keyword and category filtering to help you organise and recall images more easily in the future. It also comes with ACDsee Mobile Sync for easily uploading your smartphone content straight to the desktop.

The new major features are summarised quite nicely in the video above going over what’s new. And there are timestamps for each of the individual bits.

00:32 – Face Detection & Recognition03:25 – Filter Keywords & Categories03:56 – Remove Metadata04:35 – Info Palette & Histogram Manage Mode04:58 – Info Palette View Mode05:17 – Show Original Button View Mode05:44 – Preview Snapshots View Mode06:38 – Snapshots07:54 – History Pane08:15 – Info Palette Develop Mode08:25 – Develop Mode Presets

ADCSee Photo Studio for Mac works a little like Lightroom. It boasts “unrivalled digital asset management” with the ability to easily find, sort, move, organise and share all of your content from a central location. There’s no need to upload or import anything and you can rate your images, add keywords, tags, categories, location data and labels for easier sorting and searching. The new Info Palette and Histogram Pane make it even easier to see more data about your images.

The View Mode lets you inspect your images in great detail, with AI-powered face detection and face recognition to help you find all images of specific people. It also lets you flick back and forth between to the original version of the image for ones you’ve already edited. And naturally, that editing process is non-destructive using Develop Mode, with an array of tools including Tone Wheels and Color EQ. You’ve got skin tuning as well as the usual heal and clone tools. And if you want to find out if raw files from your camera is supported, they’ve got a complete list here. ACDSee Photo Studio for Mac 9 is available to buy now for an introductory price of $89.95. This offer ends in a couple of weeks, though, and the price will go up to its regular $99.99. Exclusive upgrade prices are also available for existing users of previous versions of ACDSee Photo Studio for Mac. For Windows users, don’t worry, you’re not being left out. You’ve got Photo Studio Ultimate!