It’s been a few years now since Adobe launched their popular Lightroom Coffee Break series on Youtube. However, their focus on Lightroom Classic has been leaving out those who use Lightroom CC–that is until now. For the first time since its inception, the creators of the series have now also included content specifically made for Lightroom CC users.

Published a few days ago, the first Lightroom CC Coffee Break series video doesn’t feature the familiar face of Benjamin Warde, but two younger hosts. Apart from that, however, it’s still pretty much like a regular coffee break tutorial: it’s quick and goes straight to the point. The video discusses how you can save a bad photo using exposure, highlights, shadows, and contrast sliders. It’s pretty basic, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they’d start delving more into more complex topics in their next uploads.

Although the Lightroom Classic and Lightroom CC have plenty of similarities, there are also specific functions that they don’t share. Lightroom CC not only has a slightly different interface, but it also has limited functionality. Therefore, it only makes sense that Adobe started making dedicated tutorials for it. These videos are certainly going to be useful considering that Lightroom CC is a relatively new platform. Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean you should ignore the older Lightroom Classic tutorials. You could still learn a lot by watching those as well.