If you ask me, there are so many great things about being a photographer. After all, I wouldn’t have stuck with it for over a decade if this weren’t the case. In this video from Weekly Imogen, you’ll hear six of the best things about being a photographer, and I added four more. Do these make it to the top of your list too?Advertisements

In the video, Imogen talks about Mark Wilkinson’s top six things he likes about photography. And here they are, arranged from good to best, so to say: 6. The immersive side of photography – taking photos can “transport” you to a different place. It’s a great way to wind down after a stressful day; I’d say it’s even a form of meditation. It can even go so far as to help with depression and anxiety, which is something I can confirm from my own experience. After helping me to survive tough times, I’d say this is definitely near the top of my list of best things about being a photographer. 5. The social aspect Photography is a great way to get to know other people, to collaborate and exchange ideas with them. Mark says that he especially enjoys collaborating on projects where both sides benefit from it, and he likes helping others. I’d also put this on my list, considering that I’ve met many great people through photography and I’ve had some fun collaborations. A photoshoot via Skype is probably the most unusual one. 4. Sunsets If you enjoy sunsets, photography brings together the beauty of a sunset and the immersive experience of taking photos. Great combo, isn’t it? I sometimes joke that there are two types of people in this world: “All sunsets are the same” and “Every sunset is different.” I belong to the latter group: I am a sucker for sunsets and I love photographing them. Or at least observing them.

  1. Sharing the work with others Most of us share our work online. It allows us to interact with others and hear feedback. If it’s positive, it sure is a welcomed ego-boost. But even negative feedback is useful as long as it’s constructive because we can learn a lot from it. There’s also the exchange of ideas, and I’ve especially felt that myself over the last few days, but you’ll hear more about it in an article I’m preparing. :)
  2. The creative storytelling Portraying your ideas, thoughts, and emotions and showing them to other people through a single photo – what a power! It’s near the top of Mark’s list, and also near the top of my own. Photography and writing are my two main ways of expressing my feelings and telling my stories, and for me, it’s definitely one of the best things about being a photographer. Or any other type of artist, for that matter. 1.Interaction It looks like the social aspect is a big part of being a photographer for Mark. He mainly photographs models and he enjoys working with people, getting to know them, and creating something beautiful together. He feels that they work toward a shared goal, and I guess this is what a photographer-model collaboration should look like. Here are four things I’d add to the list: –Free concert tickets – if you are a concert photographer, you get to attend lots of different concerts without buying a ticket, plus you get to be close to the stage. As a passionate concert-goer, I find this to be a huge plus! I occasionally collaborate with LookerWeekly online magazine, so I’ve got to attend and shoot a few amazing concerts so far. For me, live music and taking photos are a perfect combo.

–Child’s play – can you remember that liberating feeling of playing as a child? Photography lets me feel that way, especially when trying something new. When I experiment with techniques, settings, genres and DIY projects, I have the same feeling as I did while making mud cakes as a child. It’s a mixture of butterflies in my stomach, a complete calmness and focus, and the feeling of accomplishment and pride when I’m done shooting and editing. And I love that feeling! You can never be bored – I think this is pretty self-explanatory. And it’s in a way related to the previous point. It makes you go outside – I don’t know about other people who work from home, but it sometimes makes me lazy. I believe there are other folks struggling with the same feeling, and photography is a great way to beat it. It’s often the reason that makes me go outside and take a long walk or ride a bicycle to my favorite place, which is healthy on its own. And since I also take some nice shots, I’d say that’s killing two birds with one stone. :) Would you agree with Mark’s list and my additions? What are the best things about being a photographer for you? Share them in the comments below, I’d love to hear from you. [via FStoppers]