Do you carry your camera everywhere and try to capture the beauty in different things? Or do you only bring it to a few selected locations for strictly planned shoots? In this video, James Popsys discusses what he calls being a “photography snob,” and how he stopped being one. Do you recognize yourself in the situation he describes?

While James himself admits that the video is kinda random, he does make some good points (and a few jokes, as usual). He admits that he became the kind of photographer he always mocked. He stopped carrying his camera to cities and he stopped shooting in the streets, despite the fact that his interest in photography started there. Instead, he only started bringing it to photography trips in stunning locations, where he traveled particularly with a task of taking beautiful photos.

However, James claims that it’s easy to take stunning photos in spectacular places (especially when the light is also spectacular, if I may add). On the other hand, in cities and in everyday life, you need to work much harder to find and shoot something photo-worthy. I tend to agree with this. I mean, I always find breathtaking scenery easier to photograph than the “Dirty Old Town” in which I live. Still, James says that his love for street photography has reinstated when he brought his camera to Manchester streets recently. While the city streets certainly aren’t glamorous in a gray, rainy day, they do offer interesting subjects to photograph. You just need to know where and how to look for them. I personally wouldn’t call it being a “photography snob” if you only bring your camera to beautiful locations. But I’d say it’s limiting, and perhaps less challenging. Taking great photos in the city streets when the weather is bad takes more effort, but that’s why it boosts your creativity and challenges you to become a better photographer. What do you think? Would you agree with James’ and my points? And are you “a photography snob,” as James would call it, or you still take your camera everywhere and capture the beauty even in the ugliest locations? [Are you a Photography Snob? | James Popsys]