So, you are a photo hobbyist and enjoy photography. But are you a true photography devotee? The 101% photo geek? In this hilarious video, Kai Wong teaches you how to “up your photo game to level 11” and be the ultimate photo geek. And it’s all spiced with his recognizable, sarcastic humor.

Pockets, pockets, pockets

If you want to be the ultimate photo geek, you’d probably think you need to pick the right gear first. Nope, what matters even more is how you dress. Make sure to wear all your gear, gadgets and spare batteries on you, to always have them around. And remember – the more pockets you have, the higher level photo geek you are.

Keep the gear clean. Really clean.

Don’t let the others touch your camera, ever! They might get it dirty and leave a fingerprint on your lens. If it ever accidentally happens, Kai suggests you “polish your lens vigorously until you have no reflective coating left.”

Know your gear…and everything else

If you want to be the ultimate photo geek, you don’t only need to know how to use your gear; you need to know everything about it. Or at least pretend to know it to appear superior.

Gear peacocking

While we’re at the gear, you need to compare it with that of other photo geeks. If you can afford the gear others can’t, it’s even better, because it adds to the feeling of superiority.

Go hard or go home

The ultimate photo geek needs to be ready to do anything for the shot. Even if it requires falling into waist-deep sewage water just to take an average photo.

Photography is a science

You don’t need to take good shots to be the ultimate photo geek. All that matters is to nail the technique, hold that camera right and know everything about the gear.

Talk to other photographers

Your main preoccupation, photography, will bring you conversations with other photographers. Make sure to talk about the gear and compare it with them. That’s what real photography geeks do. I’d say you also have to tell everyone how “photography is your life” and “your religion,” as Kai does at the beginning of the video. Along with all of the above, that really adds to making you the ultimate photo geek. [How to be the ULTIMATE Photo GEEK! | Kai Wong]