If you ask me, you can never be too old for cartoons. And I’m sure that artist, actor, and teacher Samuel Manzanera would agree. When he’s not teaching or working on movie projects, he plays with Photoshop and makes himself hang out with his favorite Disney characters. He creates hilarious scenes and adds himself to them, and his composites are sure to make you laugh out loud.

Samuel first got intrigued by the real-life and cartoon combination when he watched Who Framed Roger Rabbit? He loved the unusual mix, and when he learned Photoshop as an adult, he started merging reality with cartoons himself.

Sometimes, Samuel would get an idea randomly, while in school or at work. Other times, he’d actually get inspired while watching a Disney cartoon. In both cases, he searches for the perfect scenes in cartoons, takes screenshots, and cuts out the characters. Then he takes a photo of himself and blends everything together into a scene that he’d had in mind.

Other than goofing around with Photoshop, this multitalented man works as a primary school teacher. I’m sure that his day job helps him stay in touch with his inner child, and I sure hope that he’ll stay creative, funny, childish, and inspired forever. Check out more of his fun pictures below, and find more of Samuel’s work on Instagram and YouTube.

[via Upperish]