As coronavirus continues to spread, Canon shuts down more of its facilities. After factories in Japan and some repair centers in the US, Canon is now temporarily suspending its Japan headquarters and certain offices and plants.

“The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to rapidly spread throughout Tokyo and other large urban areas,” Canon writes in a press release. “Amid this situation, our highest priorities are to protect the health of our employees and their families, neighboring families and businesses, as well as customers and business partners, and to help prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus.”

In order to act responsibly, Canon suspended its operations on 7 April in its headquarters and four offices. From 8 April, Hiratsuka Plant and Ayase Plant are suspended as well. For now, the plan is that all these facilities remain closed until 6 May 2020. Canon adds that there have been no infections among employees at any of the suspended offices and plants. However, they had to make this decision in order to prevent the virus from spreading and to protect the employees from contracting it. “We will review and revise our response as the situation evolves,” the company concludes. It’s not impossible that some other facilities will be suspended as well, but it all depends on how the situation evolves. There’s no way any of us can know how this will all unfold. However, companies should definitely monitor the situation and respond accordingly. [via Canon Rumors]