The Drone Photo Awards contest has shared its 2022 winners, and the overall winner shows a volcanic fissure captured from above. It was shot in Iceland and portrays a secondary fissure happening a few hundred meters from the main crater of Fagradalsfjall volcano during its eruptive phase in September 2021.

The winning image was titled Big Bang and it was shot by French photographer Armand Sarlangue. The jury selected the winner among thousands of images submitted by 2,624 photographers from 116 countries. Like every year, there are also the best photos in different categories, including Urban, Wildlife, Sport, People, Nature, Abstract, and Weddings.

All of the category winners, as well as the overall winner, will be showcased at the exhibition “Above Us Only Sky” during the Siena Awards events at the Museum of Natural History “Accademia dei Fisiocritici.” The Siena Awards Festival is scheduled in Siena from 1 October until 20 November 2022, with eight photographic exhibitions. And now, take a look at some of our personal favorites below, and check out more gorgeous photos on Siena Festival’s website.