If you’ve ever been caught on a traffic camera, chances are you’ve received the letter notifying you that you need to pay a fine. This recently happened to a woman in Germany who got a photo of herself speeding in a tunnel in her husband’s car. The only problem was: that wasn’t her. In fact, she didn’t even have a driver’s license and her husband apparently had something to share after this.

The 36-year-old woman received a letter from the government notifying her that she was driving 87kmph instead of the 60kmph speed limit. And of course, she was required to pay a fine. As these letters normally do, this one also contained a photo of the driver and the car.

The photo was taken in her husband’s company car, but there was someone else behind the wheel. Apparently, the couple needed to have a serious talk after this, and the husband had no choice but to confess that he had an affair. Nevertheless, his wife had to answer in court since the ticket was on her name. She hired a lawyer, who said: Her husband’s lover reportedly didn’t appear in court for the photo comparison. According to the lawyer, she vanished and went abroad in the aforementioned car (just to add to the drama). Still, the judge agreed that there was little resemblance between the woman in court and the one behind the wheel. Nowadays, people are shooting everything with their phones. There are also CCTV cameras and traffic cameras all over the place, and apparently – all of these can discredit you. So, don’t be a jerk and cheat on your partner. Because trust me – they’ll find out eventually! [via Light Stalking, Bild]