There’s no doubt that the excess use of plastic poses a huge threat to our planet. It harms the health and even lives of all creatures, including us humans. Portuguese photographer António Coelho highlights this burning issue in the best way a creative knows how – through art. His recent photo series are creative and colorful, yet they make you wonder and raise an alarm about the dangers of plastic.

While António is a great photographer, his primary occupation is an electrical engineer. He was interested in art from an early age and very good at painting. However, his interest in photography only came after his trip to Cuba in 2010. Thankfully, he got bitten by a photography bug and he hasn’t got cured ever since.

António “speaks” about the plastic issue through two series, titled “Plastic, one enemy?” and “Oceans, urgent salvation!” They both address two problems that affect the environment and the sustainability of our planet Earth: the effect of plastic on human health, and on the environment. Since both photo series are eye-catching, yet carry a strong message, they were recently awarded in the PX3 contest. “Plastic, one enemy?” won first place in the Advertising category, whereas and “Oceans, urgent salvation!” earned an honorable mention in the Nature/Environmental category. “The idea is to always use simple elements but always present through different colors and setups, a personal and real interpretation of what we see,” António tells DIYP. Indeed, he uses the stuff we can all find around the house: plastic plates and cutlery, straws, bottle caps, bottles… He arranges them all into colorful and striking compositions that are guaranteed to grab your attention. Take a look at more photos below and enjoy more of António’s work on his Instagram profile.