Most people know Bryan Adams as a rock musician and the man behind some timeless hits. But he’s one of the musicians who are equally good at photography. His photography career is admirable as well as the one in music, and he is photographing his fellow musicians for the 2022 Pirelli Calendar.

The 48th edition of the calendar features Cher, Rita Ora, Iggy Pop, to name just a few. Entitled On The Road, it features musicians as if they were on tour. Due to the pandemic, this is something they haven’t been able to do for over a year. The Irish Times reports that Adams was hired to shoot the 2021 calendar, but that gig was canceled due to Covid. He had a different idea back then, but when Pirelli approached again, he reportedly pitched the touring idea – and they accepted it.

As you probably know, touring isn’t only about playing music in concerts. There’s so much happening behind the scenes, and it was Adams’ main idea. The photos depict different aspects of being on tour: showing different times of day and different events: waking up in a hotel room, traveling on a tour bus, and so on. Even though Adams came up with the concept, he said that each of the musicians brought their own personality to shoots. “Each artist did bring their own character,” he said. “No matter what I presented to them in terms of how we were going to do it, it is their character which shines through even though my idea might have been this or that. They have turned it into their own thing.” In case you’ve been wondering about the gear, Adams was using a Fujifilm GFX100S. Fuji Rumors spotted it in some behind-the-scene shots, paired with FUJIFILM GF 32-64mm f/4 lens. Bryan Adams’ photography career has been blooming alongside the one in music. He has been busy during these crazy times, so he even recorded a new album and hopes to start touring in November this year. This is also when his images for the Pirelli calendar will be revealed, so it would be pretty cool and symbolic if On The Road is out when Adams is finally on the road again. [via Fuji Rumors]