If you shoot film and Fujichrome Velvia 100 is your film of choice, I have some bad news for you. The film has been labeled toxic, so Fujifilm was forced to discontinue it in the US.

The chemical in question is phenol, isopropylated phosphate (3:1), or PIP (3:1). The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has labeled it as toxic and banned or limited its production and use. Even though t tiny amount of PIP (3:1) can be found in layers of Fujichrome Velvia 100, the company had to stop producing it. But since this law is only effective in the US, I believe that the film will be available elsewhere.

Here is the full announcement from Fujifilm: Even though 0.0003% of the chemical doesn’t seem like much, I think this is a responsible (and above all legal) way to act. At the time of writing this, Fujichrome Velvia 100 has already been listed as discontinued on B&H. A miniscule amount (less than 0.0003%) of PIP (3:1) is present within the layers of FUJICHROME Velvia 100 Professional films. Fujifilm believes that the trace amount of PIP (3:1) in the FUJICHROME Velvia 100 Professional films pose no risk to the environment. As a global leader in imaging, Fujifilm is committed to acting sustainably, and complying with all country regulations. As such, Fujifilm will discontinue FUJICHROME Velvia 100 Professional film in the U.S. effective immediately (July 6, 2021). If you’ve purchased FUJICHROME Velvia 100 Professional films please read the accompanying Safety Data Sheet carefully.

[via Fuji Rumors]