Fujifilm has posted a notification on its website apologising for the lack of availability of its 35mm colour negative and reversal (slide) film. They expect that things will be pretty tight for a while due to the availability of raw materials. Fuji cites some specific films in its apology and says they’re currently taking measures to help “ensure a stable supply of products” as quickly as they can. The cynic in me wants to say that this is a prelude to discontinuation. Fuji has a habit of doing that, even when there aren’t global shortages of raw materials. Something becomes difficult to get and then they just decide “well, the market’s too small anyway” and then just discontinue the product. I hope this isn’t how it turns out, but this is Fuji we’re talking about.

There are two colour negative films listed as well as three slide films – all of which are 135 format – currently experiencing supply problems. There’s no mention of medium and large format stock of these film types, but that’s probably just down to the fact that much (if not all) of Fuji’s film stock in those formats have been killed off already.

Dear Customer, Thank you for your continued patronage of Fujifilm products. Due to the shortage of raw materials, supply and demand for “color negative film 135 size” and “reversal film 135 size” are expected to be tight for the time being. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused to our customers. We will continue to take measures to ensure the stable supply of products as soon as possible. We appreciate your understanding. Colour Negative Film (135 format)

Fujicolor FUJICOLOR 100Fujicolor SUPERIA PREMIUM 400

Reversal Film (135 format)

Fujichrome Velvia 50Fujichrome Velvia 100Fujichrome PROVIA 100F

There’s no news on exactly when the supply will stabilise, just that Fuji’s working on having the situation resolved “as soon as possible”.