If there’s anyone who can teach you about becoming successful on Instagram, Sorelle Amore would be that person. She has only been on Instagram for a little over 3 years, but she’s already gained a respectable amount of followers. In her latest video, she shares 13 mistakes you need to avoid if you want to improve your Instagram.

What you need to consider is that Amore didn’t even know much about photography when she started on social media. That makes her a great example to follow since she’s just a regular person who figured out a way to make it in the saturated world of Youtube and Instagram.

Amore includes a few common mistakes on her list such as posting bad photos and lousy editing. However, she also shares essential insights that involve focusing on a niche and a purpose. Basically, it all boils down to the fact that you need to have a specific theme in your feed. It’s not 2010, anymore, and not unless you’re a celebrity, posting personal photos won’t get you enough impressions. You need to showcase your best photos, and even more, stick to one genre if possible. For instance, if you’re a wedding photographer, only post relevant images to keep your feed coherent. Furthermore, you need to consider what value to provide your viewers. What can you offer them so they’d consider following you? You need to inspire them whether it’s around your work, style, or the kind of life you live. Amore suggests: “You have to figure out what people are coming to you for, and you just amplify that.” However, she also cautions not to copy anyone and just be yourself.

Ultimately, she warns about bad followers. No matter what you do, don’t buy followers or your account will end up suffering. If you do a lot of giveaways (which is still quite common), there’s a danger that your engagement will decline drastically. This is especially true since Instagram likes to punish those who try to gain followers using shady methods. Amore advises to concentrate on creating great content and allow it to take its time. Feel free to watch the rest of the video because it also includes other important things like using hashtags, cropping photos, and writing captions. [13 Sins of Instagram: Maximise Your Growth By Avoiding These Mistakes | Sorelle Amore]