Are you team Nikon or Canon? Or perhaps you’re an outlier and prefer Sony? Here at DIYP we cover all of those bases, but what about the general public? What would they think if asked about camera brands? In this entertaining video, Vahagraphy takes to the streets of Newport Beach, California to find out just how much the general public knows about photography.

From this very unscientific method, it seems like most people can recognise Canon as a leading camera brand, particularly when coupled with the ‘white lenses‘. If you really want to look like a pro, stick one of those on your camera! Nikon came in fairly well too as a known brand, but Sony was trailing behind.

One man expressed surprise that people were even still using cameras, and not just using cell phones! Other questions were interesting too. “How much would you pay a wedding photographer in 2022?” was particularly eye-opening. Answers ranged from $200 right up to $20,000. The actual average cost of a wedding photographer (in the USA) is between $2500 and $3000. The interviewer also asked people whether they knew who YouTuber Jared Polin (AKA FroKnowsPhoto) is. He wasn’t recognized by any members of the public despite his 1.39 million subscribers. To be fair I might not recognise him either though!