Last week I got hit with a massive trolling by my photographer friends. If you saw the #lofthousepose somewhere on Facebook, I will apologize now haha….but before I get into it fully let me give you a little backstory on how this came about.

First off the image in Question was this profile photo.

It was taken after a shoot with a friend. A lot of my self-portraits are fantasy-based, and I wanted one that would be a little more traditional and serious. After a little awkward fumbling with my hands and arms, I got this pose. Fast forward to two weeks ago. I went on a road trip around the UK with my friend Renee Robyn and her sister Brandy. While on the trip lots of banter ensued and a Britain VS Canada humor formed with both our accents being mimicked and ridiculed by the opposing nation. It was all in good fun, and by then end of the road trip, we had had a blast, adventuring through the Yorkshire Dales including Malham Cove and up the East Coast. A fan of a little trolling myself I posted a funny post on what it was like to travel with two females to wind the pair up, not knowing the repercussions this action would bring ha.

A few days pass, and I completely forget about the post. But unbeknownst to me Renee and Brandy were planning revenge. According to Renee, they chose an image to copy and troll, which was my profile picture. They studied it, analyzed it (yes I know, pretty scary behavior), they experimented with various colours to try match my image. They went as far as analysing my tattoos so they could make inside jokes and references. All the tattoos on their arms are in reference to something from the trip or themselves. Being the crazy ladies they are, they then roped in another friend Richard Terborg. So as one night, I am innocently minding my own business these popped up on my feed.

Pretty good trolling if I say so myself, but it didn’t end there. Part of Renee and Brandy’s plan was that it would spread. They hoped other people would join in………and they did! Suddenly my feed was full of plaid clones. And eventually, the hashtag #thelofthousepose appeared. To start, it was just selfies, but then the Photoshop guys had to get involved.

So the moral of the story is. Do not troll two Canadian sisters because it comes back to bite you in the ass. But us Yorkshire folk like a challenge so game on hahahahahaha. Thank you to all the photographers that got involved, I havent laughed this much in a long time!

How my profile photo got severly trolled by my photographer friends - 62