You can get the Fuji classic negative look to your X-Pro2 or X-T2 and save yourself from buying a new camera. From what I’ve seen, the new Fuji Classic Negative film simulation is generous on the blue and green level, while remaining somewhat warm and keeping a low contrast.

Here is how to achieve this look

Make sure to save all of that into a preset!

Can you guess which one is my recipe and Fuji? A or B? Well, I shot the first with my X-Pro3 using my recipe. So, hum, good enough.

Something I like to point out: It has a lot of character. Over-exposure offer beautiful sky and tones, while under-exposing gives character to your picture. You don’t need to spend a $2400 CAD on an X-Pro3. Get an X-Pro2 –that is already spectacular–, cover the screen with some tape, and create a new preset in your camera. You save yourself over $1500, and that’s not a small change.

You’re welcome ;) JP ps: Don’t buy more gear. What you have is good enough. Give your money to something like this one, made by a local girl from Whitehorse, Canada. Or go full boots on the ground to give your time in an orphanage in Ho Chi Minh City. That’s what matters at the end of the day.

About the Author

Jean-Pascal Remon is a photographer who quit a “normal way of life” to travel around the world in a Jeep. You can find more of his work on his website and read his blog. This article was also published here and shared with permission.