I would like to find who originally coined that phrase, get in a time machine, go back in time to when he/she was a tiny baby, and take them to an island to be raised by wolves so this sentiment would never make it into the world.Because as nice as it sounds, it’s simply not true.

Listen, I love being a parent, but it’s freaking hard work. And as much as I love my children; heck, I’d walk through fire and die a thousand deaths for them, there were still days I wanted to sell them to the gypsies.The same goes for whatever it is YOU do.

You might love it, but there will be days you don’t like it as much. Days you feel like throwing in the towel. Days when it goes wrong. Days when you tried a thing and it failed big time. Days when it’s all so awful you could sell tickets to the mess that is your life.THIS. IS. NORMAL. And, more importantly, EVERYONE feels it, despite what their Instagram account looks like. You know what I mean, pictures of fabulousness so over the top you wonder what the heck you are doing wrong. (I’ll tell you what…you are believing all that nonsense is REAL.) When you are having days where you can’t find the love, find the perspective. Seek it out. Grab a hold of it and hold on tight. Perspective is the life raft in a sea of sludge. It will get you safely through the doubts, insecurity and emotion to the other side, where wine and Netflix are waiting. Remember when you hit a rough patch that this, too, will pass.For while sht happens, my friends, sht also washes off.You’ve got this.

About the Author

Lynn Cartia (AKA Missy Mwac) is a photographer/eater of bacon/drinker of vodka and a guide through the murky waters of professional photography. You can follow her social media links here: Facebook, Tumblr. This article is also published here and shared with permission.