With its latest AI-powered feature, Instagram is continuing its fight against the abuse on the platform. From now on, if you try to post an image with an offensive or bullying caption, Instagram will warn you and ask you to reconsider it.

Earlier this year, Instagram launched a similar feature. It also uses AI, and it notifies users if the comment they’re about to post may be considered offensive. This gives people the opportunity to change their minds and reword their comments, and according to Instagram, it worked. “We’ve found that these types of nudges can encourage people to reconsider their words when given a chance,” Instagram writes. So, this kind of “guilt-tripping” has now been expanded to captions as well.

Basically, when you write a caption for a post and Instagram’s AI detects it as potentially offensive, you will be notified that the caption is similar to those reported for bullying. So, you’ll have the opportunity to edit your caption before it’s posted. If you decide to post the offensive caption anyway, I guess you risk having your account disabled. But Instagram now warns you before deleting your account, so you’ll still have a chance to make up for your mistakes. But still, I believe that there’s a pretty simple way to bypass all these Instagram’s AI tools: just be kind. [via Digital Trends; lead image credits: Lisa Fotios on Pexels]