Laowa announced back in January that a new series of super-fast f/0.95 “Argus” lenses would be coming at some point, although there were no real clues as to what they might be. At first it was thought that they would be available for different mirrorless and DSLR systems, both full-frame and APS-C. Fuji Addict suggested that the first might fall somewhere between 20-35mm. We still don’t know what the focal length might be, but now Sony Alpha Rumours reports that there will be six lenses coming for full-frame Sony E mount, although the first probably won’t be available until 2021.

As to whether we’ll see them appear for other mirrorless systems is unclear, and if they’re designed specifically for mirrorless then it’s unlikely we’ll see DSLR versions of these lenses. Perhaps they’ll develop a different set for DSLRs. After all, the Canon EF mount is still very popular with video shooters and common on many more cameras than just DSLRs. But, they may not produce DSLR Argus lenses at all.

Regardless, SAR says that their source has told them that the first lens (or at least, the first Sony FE lens) won’t be on the market until 2021. Whether we’ll see an announcement for it or any of the other Argus lenses, at some point this year remains unclear. It will be a shame if they do only become available for Sony, especially for video shooters who are typically using cameras which take Canon EF or Micro Four Thirds mount lenses. For the Sony shooters, though, if you can’t wait for Laowa to release f/0.95 lenses, then your best option right now is probably the Mitakon Zhingyo Speedmaster 50mm f/0.95 III, for a relatively modest $699. [via Sony Alpha Rumors]