A well-known Taiwanese actor was disfigured recently when a camera drone crashed into his face. The incident happened on set for a Netflix film shoot. The actor suffered a serious injury to his face and, according to his manager, needed around 30 stitches. Actor Kai Ko was filming a Mandarin-language fantasy series for Netflix called Agent From Above when the accident happened. It occurred on December 27th, however, Ko has still not yet returned to the set.

The producers of the show have since released a statement, saying that all camera crew and drone operators were adhering to the proper safety mandates and that in no way was there any explosion or shattering of blades.

“We are deeply regretful that the accident occurred and injured Kai’s cheeks,” the statement says, continuing, “Kai was immediately provided medical attention, and his talent management team has also arranged micro-stitching for him.” Netflix has yet to make any public statements on the matter, however the production team has launched a full investigation into the incident. It is relatively rare that something that accidents involving drones should happen, although it is a good reminder for anyone piloting them near people to be extra careful. [Via Variety]