As we’re recapping on 2017, we can see what we’ve done right, how much we’ve learned, and also take a look at our mistakes. All of these considerations will help us to make plans and decision for the year ahead to help us improve and keep focused on our goals.Advertisements Every year around this time, I make a couple of choices about the upcoming year. This time, I’ve decided to focus on photography and make some decisions regarding my work. In this article, you won’t only read about the decisions I’ve made. I’ll also suggest a few more you can make for yourself to make 2018 better and more creative than 2017.

My New Year’s resolutions

I’m going to learn something completely new

Recently, I started using film a bit more. I got my first digital camera in 2006 so film cameras aren’t really something new for me. However, I have never actually developed my own film. There’s a roll of black and white film in my drawer, waiting to be developed. I’ve decided to buy the stuff I need and do it myself. I’ve never done it before and I’m pretty sure it will be a failure – but I won’t give up until I do it right. After all, I’ve got a whole year ahead of me. :)

I’m going to be more active on photo sharing websites For someone who works a lot and has plenty of daily chores, I still manage to spend an insane amount of time on social networks. In 2018, I’m going to cut that and use that time to find my favorite photo sharing websites and hang out there instead. It will get me inspired, help me to discover great photographers, give me the opportunity to leave feedback for the others and get it for my own work. I’ve realized I miss that. I’m going to start and finish a challenge In 2013, I tried the “365 project.” It wasn’t as good as I hoped, considering that it was a pretty intense year for me. I didn’t skip too many days, but on some of them, the challenge was more of a pressure than a pleasure. In 2018, I plan to start a new challenge. I won’t even try to take a photo a day. But, there are plenty other projects to try! It can involve taking a photo a week, “The Alphabet Challenge,” shooting with the film only… If you plan to do something like this, you can make up your own challenge, or go for the “365 project” if that’s your cup of tea. I’ve decided to go with “The Alphabet Challenge,” although I haven’t decided yet whether I’ll use the Serbian or English alphabet. : ) I’m going to treat myself to that tripod! My current tripod is a $20 piece of junk and it’s literally falling apart. There’s always been “something more important” to buy, but I’ve decided to finally buy this piece of gear I really need. Now I just need to find the perfect one for me.

A few more suggestions

The suggestions you’ll see below aren’t my New Year’s resolutions for 2018. With all those above, plus my job, everyday life and other hobbies, it would probably be too much. But, I plan to make them at some point. Until I do, perhaps they can inspire you to make some decisions, challenge yourself and add new achievements to your list. I’m going to participate more in contests Photography contests can be a good way to promote your work and grow as a photographer. They can teach you how to take criticism and engage with the competition. Not forgetting that competitions can involve some valuable prizes, too. There are plenty of benefits of the contests, so I think submitting your work to them can be a good resolution for 2018. I’m going to exhibit my work This is something I really want to do, but for now, it seems like a huge bite. I had one solo exhibition in 2015 and a couple of group ones before and after that because my images were shortlisted or won in a couple of contests. Looking ahead, I’ll invest my energy into exhibiting my work more. I have ideas for personal projects and exhibitions, and I’d also like to organize some group exhibitions with other artists. Although it’s not my primary plan for 2018, I’ll work on it in the future. In the meantime, it can be a New Year’s resolution for some of you. It’s a big task, but it’s really rewarding!

I’m only going to buy the gear I really need Okay, this doesn’t really apply to me since I don’t suffer from the “Gear Acquisition Syndrome.” But if this is a problem you face, maybe 2018 can be the year to cure G.A.S. : ) You can find some great suggestions how to do it on this link. So, these were my New Year’s resolutions for 2018. Along with the suggestions for you (and for me at some point in the future), I hope they’ve inspired you to set your own goals for the next year. I really plan to stick with them, as Master Yoda would say: “Do or do not. There is no try.” Of course, if New Year’s resolutions don’t work for you, I totally get that. But for me, I believe decisions like this help me stay focused, so I can improve and learn something new. And in this case, they’ll also get me to choose and buy that tripod at last. If you have any New Year’s resolutions regarding your photography, I’d love to hear them, so feel free to share. And if you’d like more inspiration for New Year’s resolutions regarding your photography business, make sure to read this great article from JP Danko.