Have you seen those “Bingo cards” going around Instagram lately. I’ve done one for readers, one for travelers, and Brandon Woelfel now made one for photographers. It contains all those terrible things we’ve done and those that have happened to us, but there are some cool ones too. In this hilarious video, Jessica Kobeissi goes through the Bingo card, “confessing all the terrible things she’s done as a photographer.” Follow along and see if you’ve done them too.

I found this to be pretty fun, so I gave my own answers as I watched the video. There are some things that truly are terrible, like being asked to be paid in exposure. But they’re mainly pretty benign and some of them are actually cool. Below are the questions with my answers. Make sure to watch Jessica’ s video for hers, along with some hilarious comments. And let us know: have you done/experienced any of these things?

Made a tripod out of books – Books, boxes, coffee table, bicycle… You name it.

FaceTime photoshoot – Yes, but as a model. :)Increased clarity on an out of focus photo – Well… Yes. I had to learn somehow that it doesn’t actually work.Photoshoot at sunrise – does it count when I accidentally wake up at 5 am, can’t sleep anymore, so I grab the camera and shoot from a window? If it does, then yes.No photo credits – My photos have been posted without credits, but I don’t think I’ve ever done that with someone else’s work.Underwater photography – Only with a plastic underwater film camera.Had a hard drive corrupt – Luckily, no. But I had some CDs corrupt back in the day when they were still a thing.Edited in Photoshop – Well, of course.Said you’re booked when you’re not – I’m not a professional photographer so no, this hasn’t happened in this field. But it sure has in everyday life.Taken a self-portrait – In some phases of life, that’s all I shoot.

Ruined a roll of film – More times than I like to remember.Shot with lens cap on – Wait’ there’s someone who hasn’t??Hated every photo on shoot – I haven’t had many paid tasks, but there was one that I absolutely hated. The place and the concept clients wanted were totally not my style… The lighting was terrible… But hey, they liked the photos and that’s what counts.Trespassed for a photo – I’m ashamed to admit, but yes, I have. To my defense, I thought that the place was abandoned. Turned out it was fully operational and I needed an official permit.

Camera goes everywhere with you – My phone camera does. Nikon D7000 is too bulky for my fancy little purse.Ugly location challenge – Finding nice locations is a challenge of its own in an overcrowded city, so… I’d say “yes” to this one.Broken a prop – Surprisingly, no.Asked a stranger for a photo – I asked to have my photo taken, but never asked anyone to take a photo of them. I have been tempted to do it, but I’m too shy for that.Exceeded camera’s shutter count – on my old camera, yes.Shot a wedding – No, and I sure hope I never will. :)Gotten asked for raw photos – Oh yes.“I’ll pay you in exposure” – For someone who has had so few gigs, I have been asked this way too many times.Dropped your camera – I dropped my point-and-shoot camera once. It survived for another year or so.Photoshoot at night – Absolutely.

[Confessing terrible things I’ve done as a photographer | Jessica Kobeissi]

Photographer s Bingo  Have you ever done any of these  terrible  things  - 98Photographer s Bingo  Have you ever done any of these  terrible  things  - 89Photographer s Bingo  Have you ever done any of these  terrible  things  - 22