These days, most cameras and lens build quality is pretty high. Even if not completely weather sealed they can still take quite a lot of abuse from nature. Sometimes, though, you do want to take the extra step to protect your kit. Landscape Photographer Benjamin Jaworskyj has a great tip to help cover your gear at virtually no cost. I used to use one of the more expensive solutions. It worked rather well, but it always did feel like overkill. This solution is much easier, and uses less room in your camera bag.

All you need is a plastic trash bag or grocery bag and a rubber band. A very quick and simple solution, and very handy here in the UK where it rains year round, no matter what season it’s supposed to be. Sure, you could be fancy and spend the whole dollar if you wish. I think most of us would have these items already, though. I always have a couple of trash bags in my camera bag anyway, just so that I don’t forget them when camping. Now they have another potential purpose. This tip can also work with flash. Whenever I use flash on location and expect it might rain, I take a roll of big black trash bags with me. Then, I gaffer tape those to the outside of the softbox and have them hanging over the flash unit to protect it. You won’t be able to use optical slave modes or AWL/CLS, though, so don’t forget radio triggers. What other tips do you have for helping your gear survive the weather? Let us know in the comments. [via ISO1200]