Like any other field of art or technology, photography has been changing and evolving over the years. But there were some moments that significantly changed the course of photography history. In this video, Tony & Chelsea Northrup bring you ten of these important moments and discuss how they affected photography.

Tony and Chelsea start with the introduction of Daguerreotype in 1839, almost two centuries ago. They go all the way to our days and the moment when Nikon and Canon introduced mirrorless cameras. These are the moments they discuss. Make sure to watch the entire video and hear more about the importance of these historic moments. Just like Alex of FStoppers and numerous YouTube users who left their comments on the video, I’d add one more moment on the list: the introduction of the Polaroid. Instant cameras were the first to bring us instant results, before digital cameras and smartphones. Because of that, it’s also a moment that changed people’s view of photography. After all, Instagram was inspired by those instant photos. In the beginning, at least. Would you agree with Tony’s and Chelsea’s list? Which moments in photography history would you add to this list? [10 Moments in History That Changed Cameras (Picture This! Podcast) via FStoppers]