Do you have big ideas for photoshoots and get that sinking feeling when you realise they are just too big, too messy or too complicated to do in your regular space? Well if so, you’re not alone. This pair of photographers found a solution and built their own water studio in their backyard. Jada and David had the idea to create a sinking submarine. Obviously, they didn’t want to actually risk flooding their usual studio, so off they went to buy a baby paddling pool to house the set inside it.

Jada and David aren’t just photographers. They operate more like a mix of concept artists, set builders, mixed media and creative directors and photographers. That’s a lot of hats to wear between them. However, the work they consistently turn out is fresh, vibrant and usually very quirky and original.

The pool was inflated and a wooden set was built inside it. It was painted a bright yellow with a green rug on the floor to make it look like it could be inside a boat or submarine. Now it was time to set the lights up around the ‘sub’. The couple used four lights: One behind and one on each side to illuminate through the port holes, and one above to look like electric strip lighting. All that was left was to fill the pool with water to make it look like a flooded room.

“David and I conceptualize each shoot together,” explains Jada. “We watch a lot of movies, look at tons of art and architecture books, and try to fill our minds with as much inspiration as possible,” she explains.

And how do they keep coming up with such fresh ideas? “We start each day by sitting down together and forcing ourselves to each write down 5 new shoot ideas a day,” Jada says. “They aren’t always the best ideas, but the practice of training our minds to come up with new thoughts has been very valuable. Whenever we land on an idea that we both really love, we take action on it!” Then, they come up with a vision and storyline for the shoot and design and build a set. It’s important that everyone working on the project understands the concept and the pair always make sure that they share their vision with the model and develop a character for them to embody during the shoot. “David does all of the lighting and handles all of the technical elements,” says Jada, “and I photograph and direct the shoots!” You can follow Jada and David on Instagram or see more of their work on their website.