Muhammad Idrus Arsyad (A.K.A Idrus Ids), from Makassar Indonesia, has won himself a name in photography because of his beautiful and moody composites. He usually spends four hours or more before he is happy with an image.

Idrus tells DIYP:

Idrus started out photographing with a compact camera back in 2002. In 2012 he got his first DSLR, and is now using both a Canon 600D and a Canon 6D. His lenses of choice are the Canon 24-105mm, Canon 70-200mm, and Tamron 150-600mm.

I discovered Ids’ work on 500px not long after I joined the platform. His artistic, creative and atmospheric images struck a chord in me. It was also clear to me that it takes a lot of skill and patience to create composites like he does where colors and light are very balanced and harmonic while having a dreamy feel to them. While a very talented artist, Idrus is not a professional photographer. He explains: “Photography is just a hobby, but I sell my work and sometimes I embark on small storytelling projects – just for fun with some friends.”

You can find more of Idrus Ids’ work on Facebook and follow him on Instagram and Twitter. He also has a YouTube channel. All images are shared with permission.

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