Timelapse videos can be amazing, as well as photos and footage of space. In this video, Adrien Mauduit brings timelapse and space together and takes you to the core of the Milky Way galaxy. It’s an awe-inspiring footage that will make you realize how vast our galaxy is. So sit back, watch closely and enjoy.

Adrien writes that he has been fascinated by the core of our galaxy ever since he started astrophotography. If you live in the city, where the light pollution is high, you can’t see this mesmerizing sight. Therefore, Adrien started searching for the best place from which he can see it. And in 2014, he saw it for the first time on the island of Tenerife. He writes that he’ll remember that experience for the rest of his life. So, he decided to dedicate the third opus of his “astrolapse” series Galaxies exclusively to the core of the Milky Way. The artist’s goal was to “raise awareness and to get our night sky a bit more attention.” To create his timelapse, he traveled to remote locations across Spain, France, and Switzerland, far from the concrete jungle and city lights. He planned his travels and shots thoroughly and used “some of the best astro-gear.” Here is the gear he used to shoot his timelapse:

Cameras: Sony a7s and Canon 6D (Baader modded)Lenses: Sigma 14mm f/1.8, Sigma 20mm f/1.4, Sigma 50mm f/1.4, Samyang 85mm f/1.4, and Samyang 135mm f/2.Post-processing: Adobe Lightroom, Timelapse+ plug-in for LR, Photoshop CS6, TDLF, Sequence, FCPX

As the result of Adrien’s travel and dedication, we have a gorgeous timelapse that gives us a unique look on the center of our galaxy. Even the music he chose to follow it fits perfectly, so I suggest you watch the video with the sound on. And if you’d like to see more of Adrien’s work, head over to his Vimeo and Instagram. [GALAXIES VOL. III : Voyage to the core – 4K via Colossal]

This awe inspiring timelapse goes into the core of the Milky Way - 96