If you are a fan of infrared photography and timelapse videos, this video brings them together. South African filmmaker Matthew Rycroft lives in Salzburg, Austria – the birthplace of Mozart. Inspired by his music and this beautiful city, he created a moody timelapse followed by Mozart’s music. Like an opera with 3 acts, this video leads you through Salzburg through an atypical timelapse video.

It took Matthew quite an impressive amount of time and data to create this video. The whole process lasted for one year, and it took approximately 3 TB of footage to complete. The entire timelapse video is shot in full spectrum infrared (830 NM filter). The video was shot entirely on a Sony A6300camera specially converted for full spectrum infrared photography. This gives it the deep contrast black and white look and kinda gloomy feel.

As Matthew himself points out, this project morphed into a kind of ‘Mozart music video’ thanks to the fact that he shares the birthplace with the famous composer. With time, the video evolved into being structured like an opera with 3 acts. The creator hoped the infrared aesthetic and structure would add a slightly different dimension to a typical time-lapse video. And indeed, it is different from what we’re used to. It’s a bit dark and gloomy, but at the same time ethereal and beautiful. I enjoyed the video in combination with the music, and I hope you did too. So, if you would like to see more of Matthew Rycroft’s work, make sure to visit his website, or follow him on Instagram, YouTube or Twitter. [Siege of Salzburg | Matthew Rycroft]

This infrared timelapse of Salzburg has over 3 terabytes of data - 47