The humble pizza cutter. Who knew it could be such a wonderful cinematic tool? Well, it turns out that it might be. For your smartphone, anyway. The folks at COOPH have come up with a great way to get a dolly or slider for your phone without actually buying a dolly or slider. All you need is a pizza cutter.

Literally, all you need is a pizza cutter and a couple of rubber bands. You use the rubber bands to attach your phone to the cutter’s handle, and you’re all set. Load up your app, hit record, and go. You can mount it sideways for a tracking shot, or turn it 90 degrees to push in or pull out. Or even move it in an arc.

When it just runs on a single wheel, you get a lot of freedom that you don’t with a more conventional dolly or slider. If your phone’s got good optical and electronic stabilisation built in, you’re probably ok to use the footage as it comes. But if not, be sure to run it through Premiere Pro’s warp stabiliser or something.