For the past two years, French photographer Etienne Clotis has worked on a project named ICONIC. This interesting series of photos depicts the iconic people: musicians, painters, actors, fashion designers and many others who marked their era. With great fashion designer and make-up artist, Etienne turns his models into these people, and the resemblance is remarkable.

Etienne started this project in 2016, and since then, it has evolved into a huge work of art and passion. Fashion designer Lucie Vervelle and a visual and make-up artist Joris Souris helped turn Etienne’s models into famous icons. The photos exhibited around France and Etienne plans to publish a book, containing over 150 images. As you browse through the project, you will see many of your favorite stars. In my case, it was particularly interesting to see Freddie Mercury, Nina Simone, Kurt Cobain, Carrie Fisher, Grace Jones, to name just a few. Although they aren’t real, I think it’s an interesting way to pay tribute to those who marked their era. I now leave you to enjoy a few more of Etienne’s photos. If you’d like to preorder the book, you can do it here. And for more of Etienne’s work, check out his website, Facebook, and Instagram.