If Instagram’s recent incentive had you to get off TikTok and post Reels instead, TikTok now has a counteroffer. Its new program, TikTok Pulse, is created to share ad revenue with creators. And we’re speaking of a fair split: 50 percent of earnings will go to the platform, and the creators will get to keep the other 50 percent.

TikTok Pulse is built for both creators and advertisers. It lets advertisers “place their brand next to the top content in the For You Feed,” the company writes. “TikTok Pulse is designed to give brands the tools and controls to be a part of these everyday moments and trends that engage the community.” But as creators, I believe we’re more interested in what we could get.

Well, to be eligible for the initial stage of the program, creators and publishers need to have at least 100k followers. Speaking with TechCrunch, a TikTok spokesperson confirmed that there will be a 50/50 split. “We’re focused on developing monetization solutions in available markets so that creators feel valued and rewarded on TikTok,” the company notes. “From the very beginning, we’ve committed to working with our community to bring new features that enrich the TikTok experience, and we look forward to continuing that journey with TikTok Pulse.” To me, this seems like another battle of the ongoing war between TikTok and Instagram. In late 2021, Instagram announced that it would pay creators up to $35,000 to post Reels (which are just TikTok-format videos in disguise). But according to more recent reports, Instagram cut the Reels payouts by 70% in April this year. Furthermore, Instagram’s latest algorithm “ranks your videos based on originality.” In other words, it doesn’t really like your Reels with the TikTok logo on them. Because of all this, TikTok’s latest move seems like something that could take away a lot of creators from Instagram, at least for now. And we’ll wait and see what Instagram will come up with next to try and turn the tables. [via TechCrunch]