But we are not just giving this away. We are going to hold a little challenge. Do you know our CC-BY sampler package? It is a package with samples of all our packages, that only costs $5, but you get $5 back. It’s really awesome if I may say so myself. So, here is the deal, you can use anything in this package to create a composite, but make a really awesome one. Why? becasue the winner will get a $2,500 coupon that they can use to get everything in the store AND a brand new awesome Wacom Intuos Pro. Wait, it gets better. We know that $5 is a lot, so we created a smaller package that costs absolutely nothing. We call it the Small ‘get it while you can’ CC-BY sampler. And… it is just as awesome as the original CC-BY sampler, only about half the size.

We are going to run it on Facebook, and here are the rules:

Next week on Tuesday (may 17th) are WE are looking for work that we like the most out and announce the winner.In addition, we still have an audience award – the wins the picture with the most likes – be quick so worthwhile (who will get a $750 coupon for our store) We are giving away a Wacom Intuos Pro and a  2500 coupon to best compositor among you - 12