It’s a common complaint of wedding photographers and happy couples alike. Although, with the latter, it’s typically after the wedding when they see how many of their friends and relatives have ruined the paid photographer’s shots by standing in the way with smartphones and even iPads to get snaps of their own. Fortunately, more couples are speaking out and going “unplugged”, but word hasn’t spread to everybody yet. For photographer Hannah Mbalenhle Stanley of Hanna Way Photography, she faced one iPhone too much recently and posted a rant to Facebook expressing her thoughts. It’s since been shared over 150,000 times, with over 140,000 reactions and has left commenters divided. The post reads… The responses to Hannah’s post have been mixed, with some saying that the guests are more important and have the right to do what they want, and others backing up Hannah’s position completely. Personally, if guests at my wedding started getting in the way of the person I’d paid to be there and record the day, I’d be pissed. Sincerely,Wedding photographers This one of the reasons why I won’t ever shoot weddings. It’s just too much of a headache for me to want to deal with. But for those of you that do, how do you deal with smartphone-wielding guests? And if it was your wedding, how would you feel if your guests were constantly in the way of the photographer you’d hired to be there?

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