Texas wedding photographer recently got sick with coronavirus after a wedding she photographed. She contracted the virus at the maskless ceremony, thanks to the groom who hadn’t disclosed that he was positive.

According to Texas Monthly, the photographer spent an hour or two at the ceremony, indoors, and no one was wearing a mask. After that time, one of the bridesmaids allegedly approached her and thanked her for showing up considering “everything that’s going on with the groom.” When the photographer asked what she was talking about, the woman said that the groom had tested positive for the coronavirus the day before the wedding. “Don’t freak out,” the photographer recalls her saying. “He doesn’t have symptoms. He’s fine.’” One would think we’ve all learned by now that the coronavirus can be passed even if the carrier is asymptomatic. But what do you know, people are always so full of surprises.

Naturally, the photographer got worried, considering that she has asthma and three kids. She and her assistant left the ceremony early, and of course, it didn’t go without a fuss. According to Texas Monthly, the wedding planner said that “it was the most unprofessional thing she’d ever seen.” Bridesmaids reportedly accused her of “heartlessly ruining an innocent woman’s wedding day.” The photographer even says that one bridesmaid told her: “I’m a teacher, I have fourteen students. If I’m willing to risk it, why aren’t you?” This, kids, is how we get between 500,000 and nearly a million new cases globally every day. Assuming what would happen, the photographer reorganized her life over the following days. She canceled her Thanksgiving plans with family, sent her kids to relatives’ houses, and subcontracted the upcoming weddings to other photographers. As you can probably assume, she soon started to feel sick and tested positive for the coronavirus. I am already triggered by this story, but there’s more. The photographer recalled what one of the bridesmaids told her before she left the reception. Upon learning that the groom was positive for COVID-19, the photographer said: “I have children. What if my children die?” The bridesmaid reportedly responded, “I understand, but this is her wedding day.” Really, dude? In which universe is a wedding day more important than someone’s life? I understand that the pandemic has screwed us all up and messed up with our lives big time. Some of my friends canceled their weddings this year, and my wedding photographer friends had less work than ever before. And I get it, canceling a ceremony is a logistic nightmare, plus it costs money. But hiding that you’re positive for COVID-19, not wearing a mask, and not keeping a distance is beyond irresponsible. I’m curious to hear: how would you react if you were in the photographer’s place? But I’d also like to hear what you’d do if you were the groom who found out he was positive a day before the wedding? Let me know in the comments. [via FStoppers]