Zeiss, the famous German lens manufacturer, is reportedly about to increase prices in the US. Starting from 1 October, most lenses and filters will be up to $100 or 10% more expensive, depending on the product.

Leica Rumors reports on the price increase by lens families. According to this source, all lenses from Batis and Loxia line will get $50 more expensive. All Milvus (ZE and ZF.2) lenses will see a price increase of $75, and ZM lenses will get $100 more expensive. As for the filters, all T* UV and T* POL filters will get 10% more expensive.

The price increase is due to come into effect on 1 October 2021. At the moment, some Zeiss Batis, Loxia, and Milvus lenses are at a discount, so if you’ve been thinking of getting one, I guess now is the best time to do it. [via Photo Rumors]